Perché non c’è niente di più bello – Because there is nothing more beautiful
– reflects Mattiazzi’s courageous and uncompromising commitment to design and sustainable wood furniture production.
The relationship between design and manufacture advances each year when designers act as experimenters, contributing remarkably to Mattiazzi’s narrative and to a tale of design itself.
While the world experiences a time of rapid social change, when the things that surround us must necessarily be re-examined so that new stories can be made, Mattiazzi introduces ‘Collection Objects’ or Oggetti da collezione– small and useful items by young protagonists who blend their skills with those of Mattiazzi.
Three international designers of a new generation lead this new phase, and are joined by previous projects, forming a collection of simple and idiosyncratic items for the home, workplace and hospitality. In some cases waste-wood from furniture production is also re-purposed into these objects. Because there is nothing more beautiful.
Sam Hecht & Kim Colin
Picture: from left to right, Max Frommeld, Julie Richoz, Julien Renault